Monday, October 11, 2004

I am damn talented.

I rememmber having this convursation once wit mandy aboat our talents, and we came to de conclucion that my talen is: Mis-spelling. That's right, spelling tings rwongly. The opposeitie of that Spellling Bee champiognship movie thingee. But my kurious talente has uncoverd a great mistery. Try typing my blog addrass but spill "blogspot" as "blogpsot". Kewl eh?

I think blogpots is quite a nince name.

nd now tri doing tht with ani blogspot adress! I tired many other pemutations cand combinastions but this is de onli wan that werks. Sum jus gif you alot of popups so i dun suggesz u try it.

I wander where my talent will take me tomorow!!!!

ps. do you finally understand how IRRINOYING netspeak is?!?!? at least I didnt do tHiS ok!


At 9:14 PM, Blogger Viv said...

It's not erealy netspeek, netspeek is lik "ROTFLMAO, uR so fArnEe pYo~!" dis, on teh oter hand, is mispeling. fin lien of distinkshun.

(and on a more lucid note it's very hard to keep misspelling things! The curse of being taught to speak and write good English, alas.)

At 11:08 PM, Blogger leoel said...

Next is you grammar needs worked onto

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Serene Huang said...

ohmigosh, reading that entry AND the comments gave me a hard time. haha yeah, viv, we the students of the Queen's English. But I'm sure a lot of people in NTU will have no problem reading broken english. MUAHAHAHA!


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