I am damn talented.
I rememmber having this convursation once wit mandy aboat our talents, and we came to de conclucion that my talen is: Mis-spelling. That's right, spelling tings rwongly. The opposeitie of that Spellling Bee champiognship movie thingee. But my kurious talente has uncoverd a great mistery. Try typing my blog addrass but spill "blogspot" as "blogpsot". Kewl eh?
I think blogpots is quite a nince name.
nd now tri doing tht with ani blogspot adress! I tired many other pemutations cand combinastions but this is de onli wan that werks. Sum jus gif you alot of popups so i dun suggesz u try it.
I wander where my talent will take me tomorow!!!!
ps. do you finally understand how IRRINOYING netspeak is?!?!? at least I didnt do tHiS ok!
Monday, October 11, 2004
tapioca. sweet and mushy or crispy and bland. depending on how you cook me.
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- Name: beckyboo
- Location: Singapore
i am extraordinary, if you ever get to know me, i am extraordinary, i am just your ordinary average everyday sane psycho supergoddess
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- My favourite prof! Dr Don Favareau is a recent gr...
- The rift for this song has been looping in my head...
- SO unproductive! Hai, don't know what's wrong wit...
- A week ago That taxi driver was so spot on. How o...
- play/pause Will not be updating this week, unless...
- Call me Becklutz Keep banging into things! It's a...
- Heard this song on radio in the car that day, and ...
- FOOD FOR THOUGHT "My fear is that the younger gen...
- Decided to update cos apparently, I actually have ...
- Monday was tolerable. = Tuesday was terrible*. =( ...
It's not erealy netspeek, netspeek is lik "ROTFLMAO, uR so fArnEe pYo~!" dis, on teh oter hand, is mispeling. fin lien of distinkshun.
(and on a more lucid note it's very hard to keep misspelling things! The curse of being taught to speak and write good English, alas.)
Next is you grammar needs worked onto
ohmigosh, reading that entry AND the comments gave me a hard time. haha yeah, viv, we the students of the Queen's English. But I'm sure a lot of people in NTU will have no problem reading broken english. MUAHAHAHA!
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